Life becomes simple with subtraction instead of addition.
I say this because when you keep adding workouts, diets, protein shakes, supplements, and fancy equipment, it becomes too much to handle.
And you eventually give up.
I get it. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with new information on how to be healthy and fit.
And I have fallen into a trap myself, thinking that the next new workout routine or diet will be the answer to all my problems.
But it’s not.
What has worked for me is avoiding certain things daily. Embracing simplicity helped me keep my body fit and feeling amazing.
Fitness is not about building muscles or lifting hundred pounds. It’s about creating a lifestyle that:Helps you maintain a low body fat percentage
Induce sound sleep
High endurance
High immune system
Proper metabolism, and much more.
When I got my definition of fitness right, I deleted many things from my lifestyle that organically kept me fit without trying complex diets and workouts.
As a result, my body fat stays around 13%, muscle mass 80%, bone mass 4%, water content 58%, and BMI 21(Measured on the Withings Bodyplus scale).
Here are five things I avoid to stay ridiculously fit:
1. Supplements
No, supplements are not a replacement for real food.
I’ve seen people obsess over them, thinking they will help them attain their fitness goals faster.
I am not against supplements, but the problem is that people tend to rely on them too much instead of focusing on getting their nutrients from whole foods.
Many studies show that certain supplements can be beneficial for health and fitness. But, these studies are usually done on people deficient in a particular nutrient.
For example, if you are deficient in vitamin D, taking a supplement can be helpful.
But if you are not deficient, taking a supplement will not make much difference.
In fact, taking too many supplements can be harmful. This is because they can interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food and also adversely affect your health.
So, instead of taking supplements, focus on getting your nutrients from whole foods.
2. Eating Late At Night
This one is a no-brainer.
You know how eating late at night makes you feel sluggish the next day, right?
Yeah, that’s because your inactive state burns fewer calories.
So when you eat right before bedtime, your body can’t use the energy efficiently, and you feel sluggish.
Plus, late-night eating can also screw with your sleep patterns, which in turn can make it harder to lose weight.
So try to avoid eating at least 2 hours before bedtime.
You’ll see a difference not just in how you feel but also in how you look.
3. Skipping More Than One Meal
I know, I know… intermittent fasting is all the rage these days.
But it doesn’t work for me.
I need to eat every 3–4 hours to keep my metabolism going and manage my hunger pangs.
Skipping meals makes me hangry, sluggish, and irritable.
And when I do eventually eat, I tend to overeat during the next one because my body is in “starvation mode.”
Overeating not only makes you feel uncomfortable but can also stall your progress. So, ensure to space out my meals and have something every 3–4 hours.
If you want to lose fat, then you need to be in a calorie deficit.
But this doesn’t mean that you should go hungry.
Your body needs nutrients and energy to function optimally, and skipping meals is not the way to get there.
So, I make sure to have at least three solid meals every day with snacks in between if I’m feeling hungry.
This helps me stay on track with my fitness goals and keeps my energy levels up throughout the day.
4. Staying Glued to the Couch
The amount of time you spend sitting down directly correlates with your risk of early death, regardless of whether you exercise regularly or not.
In fact, one study found that people who sit for more than 11 hours a day have a 40% increased risk of dying in the next three years.
Experts warn that sitting for a long time increases your risk of dying early and leads to other health problems like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
So even if you’re working out regularly, you need to ensure you’re not spending the rest of the day glued to the couch.
Get up and move around as often as possible, take a walk every now and then, and stand up whenever possible.
Motion is the best lotion.
5. Eating Out
I know it’s tempting to want to try every new restaurant in town.
But I’ve found that it’s just not worth it — not only is it bad for your wallet, but it’s also terrible for your health.
The problem with eating out is that you have no idea what’s going into your food.
Sure, the menu might say it’s healthy, but that doesn’t mean it is.
I have worked in a restaurant, so I know some pretty bad secrets they don’t want you to know.
They often use unhealthy cooking methods, such as frying or dousing food in oil and butter. They also use processed ingredients high in calories, salt, and sugar.
And let’s not forget about portion sizes. Most restaurants serve portions that are way too large, leading to overeating and weight gain.
To stay fit, it’s best to cook at home using healthy ingredients.
That way, you can control what goes into your food and be sure that you’re eating a nutritious meal.
BONUS: Not Drinking Enough Water
Water is often overlooked as a weight-loss and fitness tool, but it’s incredibly important.
Your body is comprised of 60% water; every system depends on water to function properly from flushing out toxins to delivering nutrients to your cells.
Water also helps with weight loss by reducing your appetite, increasing your metabolism, and helping you burn more calories.
I make it a point to drink at least 3 liters of water every day.
I carry a water bottle everywhere and take small sips throughout the day.
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