Music triggers individual effects on the heart

People respond and perceive music differently. It can also vary significantly concerning the rhythm. Similarly, music has different impacts on the individual brain, suggest a new study.

This new study is a significant step forward towards developing personalized music prescriptions for common ailments or to help people stay alert or relaxed.

This small investigation adopted an increasingly exact strategy, highlighting a few one of a kind viewpoints. Three patients with mild heart failure requiring a pacemaker were welcome to a live traditional piano show. Since they all wore a pacemaker, their pulse could be kept consistent during the exhibition. The analysts estimated the electrical activity of the heart straightforwardly from the pacemaker leads when 24 points in the score (and performance) where there were stark changes in tempo, volume, or rhythm.

Professor Elaine Chew of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) said, “Specifically, they measured the time it takes the heart to recover after a heartbeat. Heart rate affects this recovery time, so by keeping that constant, we could assess electrical changes in the heart based on an emotional response to the music.”

“We are interested in the heart’s recovery time (rather than heart rate) because it is linked to the heart’s electrical stability and susceptibility to dangerous heart rhythm disorders. In some people, life-threatening heart rhythm disorders can be triggered by stress. Using music, we can study, in a low-risk way, how stress (or mild tension induced by music) alters this recovery period.”

Scientists found that change in the heart’s recovery time was significantly different from person to person at the same junctures in the music. 

Professor Chew said: “Even though two people might have statistically significant changes across the same musical transition, their responses could go in opposite directions. So for one person, the musical transition is relaxing, while for another, it is arousing or stress-inducing.”

“By understanding how an individual’s heart reacts to musical changes, we plan to design tailored music interventions to elicit the desired response.”

Lead Professor Pier Lambiase of University College London said, “This could be to reduce blood pressure or lower the risk of heart rhythm disorders without the side effects of medication.”

The study is presented today on EHRA Essentials 4 You, a scientific platform of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).


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